Bawang Goreng (Crispy Fried Shallots)
Krisaba, bawang goreng renyah yang dibuat untuk melengkapi rasa lezat di setiap hidangan yang tersaji. Dari mulai nasi hangat, mie, soto, aneka tumisan, atau sajian lain makin lengkap lezatnya dengan taburan Krisaba. Sst… dicamil langsung pun krisaba tetap yummy. Selamat menikmati Krisaba.
Krisaba, crispy fried shallots made to complement the deliciousness of every dish you were served. Warm rice, noodles, soup, various stir-fries, or other dishes, will be more delicious with a sprinkling of Krisaba crispy fried shallots. Shhh… you can even Knjoy krisaba right away as a snack.
Have a nice dish with Krisaba
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